Natural Vision Improvement

Much of good vision is the result of eye muscles and those muscles can be exercised for better focus. This simple statement is largely the basis of the Vital Connections natural vision improvement. A modified Bates Method approach as well as work with close, middle and distant vision range is used in exercising the eye muscles. Beyond this attention is paid also to peripheral vision.



Another approach to vision improvement involves seeing things without recognizing patterns. The mind over years of development and habit quickly recognizes patterns so that the tiniest hint of a visual clue of something—an object or pattern—has the mind recognizes the thing and quickly moving on to various thoughts about the thing. It is helpful to occasionally halt the pattern recognition process and linger over the visual input and perhaps see the “chaotic nature” of sensory input.



The Vital Connections approach to natural vision is simple, straightforward and effective. However, it is probably worth mentioning a caveat here. Improvement is largely based on motivation and perseverance. The larger backstory is that an individual’s general vision is very often tied to self identity. That is, an individual’s symbolic identity—who the individual thinks he/she is and how the individual views the world—is closely linked to the type of eye focus the individual has developed over the years. These two things—eye focus and self identity—can and should be separated for better health, but for some people this is extremely difficult and has to be the first order of business in order to make progress. Unexpected and even strange minutiae in the relationship between eye focus and self identity sometimes turns up.



Natural Hearing Improvement


Natural hearing improvement shares some characteristics with its natural vision improvement counterpart in that both are highly significant senses for knowing and orienting oneself in the external world. For instance, developing greater awareness with one sense may very well improve awareness in the other sense. But the ear has different structures and functions from the eye, and different approaches are necessary or the approaches need important modifications.


In the Vital Connections approach to natural hearing improvement, emphasis is placed on fine distinctions of sounds. Determining the shortest expression of an individual sound is helpful. Concepts, such as the “edge” and “heart” of a sound as well as the “blend” of a sound, are applied. These applications are somewhat similar to work in vision where fine distinctions on small shapes are developed.


Another similarity of Vital Connections hearing improvement with vision improvement is the suspension of pattern recognition with a concomitant approach of exploring and sensing the “chaotic nature” of the sensory input of sound. This approach can serve hearing improvement even better than visual improvement.


Hearing—or perhaps it is better to say “knowing”—silence is very important in improving hearing. This is especially true for very short silences “imbedded” in the sound environment. Sound environments always have some sort of silence and finding the void within can be likened to the use of the matrix void technique in Omega Arts meditation.  


Some people have “hardening” or developing problems of the tiny bones in the middle ear. It is possible to do a little bit of exercising of the bones which may be helpful for those whose ear bones do not present too great of a problem.